Wednesday, January 30, 2008

When hard work pays off.

I've told you how awesome my hubby is....he's been working so hard on this ice rink for the kids in our back yard. Last night was in bed.....he decided to check on the rink and found the warm sun yesterday had made the surface smooth and perfect. He had been out there a while when I looked out to check on him and found him playing!!! He and the boys have been practicing a certain stick trick and he wants to master it before them. I have to tell you how wonderful it felt to see him enjoying his labor of love. The weather last night was
wasn't bitterly cold so he was out there for a while just playing without his jacket on. So glad to have photos like this for this boys to see this morning! The weather today may just put Jean back on zamboni duty but at least he got one night to enjoy it.
Im still trying to convince you to get your camera out! These are the days and things we will forget...but really are the kinds of things we always want to remember. Make your photos more interesting...dont stand and snap...get on one knee...stand up on the tailgate of a truck and take the photo from could even lay on the floor and shoot up to the ceiling.

If these hints inspire you to take some pics and you get a few you totally love - I wanna see them! I love to look at photos - always know there is someone (me) who wants to see your stuff too!!!

Happy hump day!!

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