Saturday, October 25, 2008

Our Family Vacation Day 1

Decided to start from the beginning while its fresh in my head so when it comes time to print this, its all in order.

Our flight departed Wednesday afternoon at 2:30 so we got to the airport around 12:30. It was a breeze checking in and getting through security ... we have a fairly small airport. The kids were excellent about following the rules and not acting too crazy with excitement.

This was their first time flying so it was all new to them. I thought I'd encounter some anxiety with Cameron (he's my worrier) but he was intrigued by things that went on at the airport. Kenna was dressed for traveling in her yoga pants and new hat and I could tell she was feeling good about herself....sometimes a new accessory makes all the difference, huh girls?
They watched planes come and go....purchased overpriced drinks and got started on a few of the projects we brought for entertainment on the plane.
I wanted a photo of each of them on the plane as we took off...their faces are so cute....the boys had big smiles and I captured Cam saying "whoa". Makenna was too short to see the plane leave the ground but enjoyed watching the clouds get closer. I love this photo of serene.
I put Marleigh's hair in pigtails to try to control the mess but it ended up falling out of the elastics anyway...she was supposed to be sitting with me but chose the seat with Jean...I'm thankful....she likes to venture to the potty several times. I love this photo.

We got to Florida on time but by the time we got to our hotel, it was pretty late. We still grabbed a snack at the food court and attempted to get some sleep before it got too late. Our room was located overlooking a courtyard and the pool. There was a roudy bunch in the pool that night that made it tough to fall asleep (pool was open until midnight) and then they chose to hang in the courtyard after it closed. We were happy to be grounded though so eventually we all got a bit of sleep before morning came.


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