Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Let's try this again.

If you're checking back....you really didn't miss much.....I was making an entry to update with what's going on at home.

Cameron has been nursing a broken clavicle. A hockey injury from Thursday night's practice. He's doing fine but the "no hockey for six weeks" news broke him more than the bone. Initially the doctor told him two weeks because he hadn't had xrays yet and no confirmation of a break. As the doctor told Cam he would be out for two weeks, Cam slowly turned towards me, a few silent tears fell down his cheeks...wiped his eyes and turned back towards the doc to hear the rest......if broken, six weeks! We didn't even get the results until Saturday because of how the system works....doc sends us to the hospital for xrays, its Friday so no reading until Saturday..but no doc on duty so we have to call in and get on-call doc who has to call the hospital for the report...the report reads the xray is not clear and if patient is still in pain, must have another scan done and fracture is most probable. He's tough as nails that kid of mine.....with a heart as big as the world.
Yesterday Makenna asked for curls in her hair. I obliged and spent several minutes over the bathroom sink fixin' her locks. She's got this friend from school who always has her hair just so too and its now become the thing that bonds them. I attempted a photo:
Me: "Kenna, come over here in the corner by the closet so I can get a clear photo".

Kenna (grouchy): "Why do I gotta come over there?"

Me: "Because other people will be seeing this picture and I don't want them to think we live like pigs."

Kenna (still grouchy and snarling now): "I'm not smiling".
Me: SNAP! (the shutter). "That's fine..if you really want people to see that side of you... I don't mind a forever picture of you in a grouchy mood" (she waits while I adjust the camera settings again)....SNAP..........
A bit later, she was talking with Cameron and I called her name.....results.....sweet!
I anticipated after the morning blog mishap that the day would go awry but it didn't. I ran my errands with Princess Marleigh (hair in a bun with a headband "like Cinderella wears" and a prediction that "people's are gonna tink I'm sooooo beeeautiful"). First store we stopped in and the clerk commented on her hair and Burgah looked at me with that I told you so look on her face....that she soon after buried into my leg. As much as she loves the attention, she can be incredibly shy when she gets it.
Tonight Bran had a presentation on Egypt and his topic was mummification......boys are gross and into gross things....but I have to admit I was slightly interested. Did you know that the Egyptians painted masks and put them on the dead (you've seen the famous mask of King Tut) so that the souls of the dead could find their bodies in the after life. I also learned that when someone died, in the final procession, the family and friends of the deceased walked through the town on their way to the burial place....mourners were paid to cry so that the gods of the other world could see that the person was well loved. The more people who cried, the more he was loved and the better chance he had of going to the after world. I want that!!

Well, I've completed the task of rewriting this thing - its not the same as what I had this morning but its here and something to kill time. Those that usually have it with their morning coffee can enjoy my company with their evening glass of wine....or can of beer....or whatever else you drink on a Tuesday evening.

It feels good to blog.....

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