Friday, January 2, 2009


We are working on puppy habits (barking) and trying to build healthy relationships. It's hard when Jean has to be gone to work and boys just want to be out on the ice rink but everyone is adjusting well today!

I do have stories to tell! Jack is a fragile little thing....when he goes out to pee, he lifts his legs like a flamingo because its so cold on his tiny pads. We bought him a turtleneck sweater to wear out - he looks so clever in it! I just gotta get a photo - you'll see what I mean!

Poor Makenna....she's the brunt of all my funny puppy stories. You'd expect it might be Marleigh as she's so comical anyway but nope, Makenna. Cameron was making an attempt to take Jack out to pee and Makenna went along to supervise. I watched him from the window and noticed that the dog would just sit at the end of the leash looking at Cameron with that "you've got to be kidding me" look. Cameron tugging and dog resisting. I leaned out the window to show Cameron with hand motions: "Cameron, you have to call him...say "come" and give the leash a quick jerk". He replies: "he just wants to sit there".................I said "I know, but you need to call him so he won't just sit"...and then I proceed to show him the motions telling him: "Come, with a quick jerk" I repeated a few times (while motioning with my wrist to quickly jerk the leash. I watch as he attempts my directions.....applauding his efforts I step back a bit and just observe. That's when I noticed Kenna, crouching with her back to me...holding out her arm she calls to the dog: "come quick jerk, come quick jerk". I sooo needed that belly laugh!

Things are improving. The pup and Jean have mended fences and because he is so young, I think I can trust that he won't bother the kids. I believe his reaction to Jean was just out of fear in a new place and he hadn't really seen much of him. Tonight I came home to Jean sitting on the couch with Jack on his lap....made me feel so much better!

My nephews have been here a good part of the weekend......they enjoy the ice as much as my boys do so I really haven't seen much of them unless its feeding time or someone takes a puck in the chops. It's a gamble not wearing that protective gear..... Ms. Makenna decided to show them what she's got - I'm so proud of her getting out there with the big girl didn't even question wearing the helmet to play this game with them.

So cute!!!!



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