Last night Emily, her mom Beth and I tip-toed our way through the raindrops! The stormy skies made for amazing photos and I got her a huge variety of great shots to choose from. Here are my faves....

Four years ago today, I labored to deliver one of the most beautiful people I know!! Today she flits around in a sparkly white dress (a "wedding dress" she calls it) with new plastic high heels and cardboard tiaras for her sister and cousin to wear. She crawled into my bed yesterday morning asking "Mom, is today my birthday" and I watched her deflate as I told her she'd have to wait one more day. This morning, she climbed quietly into my bed and as I waited in silence for her to ask me again, I looked over and saw her looking up to the ceiling and smiling a big goofy grin. I said "Happy Birthday"....she turned to me still smiling and replied "thank you". Her gaze returned to the ceiling...her smile got bigger and her expression change to was here, FINALLY, her day!! I asked: what kind of cake are you wanting today.....(usually we order in advance but this week has been a whirlwind so I'll impose on the nice ladies at the bakery to make something on short order). In one long breath she said: "I'd like Hannah Montana, the kind with her hair is straight down...vanilla with white frosting, I already picked it out, they have it at Walmart, its got pink and some colored sprinkles too......" I asked about ice cream next...."vanilla".... I said: "that's a lot of vanilla...vanilla cake, vanilla frosting, vanilla ice cream". She replied: "oh yah, chocolate ice cream, I can put vanilla cake on my plate over here, and chocolate ice cream on on my cake over will be perfect!
She started at 100 MPH and hasn't stopped yet! We are off to Meemie's to celebrate!!
She started at 100 MPH and hasn't stopped yet! We are off to Meemie's to celebrate!!

happy birthday to your beautiful girl!
Happy Birthday Marleigh! What a sweetie. I'm excited for her. :)
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