I have got just about everything ready for the big day on the 11th. Lots of help from my bridal party (Yes, the wedding was 13 years ago but I like to hang onto my friends so we see each other regularly and I figure they took the vows with me "through good times and bad" so here we go with another good time!) Thanks much Lisa, Diane, Tracy, Mom and my sweetie...Jean. I have a full day and could not have done it without this great crew!
I decided to add one more day for the special. It will be held on Sunday 11/18. There are only two sittings left to fill in the afternoon that day. If you or someone you know is interested in having one of them, please call me asap.
Stay tuned for January specials....Im trying whip up something fun to get us through the dark days of winter.
Now, just for a chuckle....I had to post this. Its soo hard to photograph my own children....maybe its because there are four but Marleigh just refuses to cooperate. I decided this time I would just leave her out of this photo and get the older ones as they were feelin' the love for me and cooperating so nicely... (OKAY, I cried and proceeded to carry on about how all other photographer moms have great photos of their kids and I didnt have anything good to update my walls and that made them feel bad). So, ignoring Marleigh got me this...she pulled up a chair, sat right between the kids and me and here is the result. Like my new portrait?