Friday, December 4, 2009

Keep your hat on! {Southern Maine Photographer}

First things first, I gotta mention this to my local readers.... go to Norton Lights (in Southern Maine) website for all the info. The Norton's are clients of mine who are not only creative, they are generous and giving. I am honored to give them a shout out about their efforts and their partnership with the Make A Wish Foundation!

Every year Stan outdoes the year before with his amazing decorations that dance to music. They ask passerbys to tune their radios to the music and enjoy the dance from the comfort of their vehicles. Stan is out there, representing the spirit of the holiday dressed as Santa and handing out small treats to the kiddos. If you go, tell them I sent you!!!

Thanks Stan and Melissa for your service to the less fortunate this holiday season...its an honor to be your friend!

*I bought some new hats/props for the sweet babies that come my way. I took photos to send my supplier, Amy, knitter of these lovely pieces.

Sweet Maggie came to see me yesterday for her four month photos and was very willing to model them for me! This was my favorite! Not sure why they look so strange when I upload them to blogger....I may have to break up with blogger if it keeps making my work look so strange.
Isn't she totally edible!?!
I'll see you in a few months, Maggie, when you come to show me how much you can grow in such a short time!

Here's my hockey player....always ready to go and usually eating on the run. It was crazy during the football season when we were merging into hockey, seemed we were always eating out. I'm not fond of dinner time planning but I was really missing the time with my family to discuss the day. It seems Cam was too - he comments often how much he likes dinner time when we all sit together talking and laughing. He's my sentimental guy.
I'm off to get the kidlets on the bus.....then Marleigh and I are off to do Gram's hair.


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