Saturday, December 12, 2009

So this is how it goes....{Southern Maine Photographer}

The decorating of our tree.........

Marleigh showed me EVERY ornament before she hung it.......she and Kenna really love to find the ones that are special to me.... (our first Christmas together)

I seriously had to look at...e..v...e...r...y....ORNAMENT.....before she found the perfect spot (usually all on one limb)!

Remember when you were ten....getting your ornament hung the highest on the tree was the goal!
And here's the traditional "line up in front of the tree" snap!! Mis-matched clothes, Cameron sporting his patch and Marleigh in her "face" phase......this is my life every day!!

As for Jack......I'm not sure he likes his new haircut. Jean says he looks like a sissy now and I truly think he understands our human words. The kids try to pump the poor pooch back up telling him how cute he is....soon enough he'll be a mop again and hiding those big brown eyes.

Here is a snap of the kids the next night. I wanted a shot for my Christmas cards but this one just didn't make the cut (actual card to be announced at a later date). This one made for a good profile photo for my facebook!
See what I mean about the "face" phase. I wish she was edible, I'd take a nibble every night!
Well, my day has come to an end. I feel the pull to the comfort of my cozy flannel sheets. Its the first night in a long time I feel "caught up" and I think I'll actually sleep through until morning!

1 comment:

mrs.griffin said...

oh my goodness, what a cutie! You really could just eat her up. What a doll! : )
