Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mother's Day!!!

HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY TO YOU & ME and all the other moms who make a good faith effort every day to be the best moms we can! It's never easy - children don't come with warranties or money back guarantees and certainly no instruction manuals. We do the best we can with what we Maya Angelo says: "When you know better, you do better."

I just asked Jean to take this photo - it's the end of a very windy, chilly day, no warning and no makeup or hair touch-ups. This is who we are by 5:00PM on any given day...tired, hungry and one of us (Makenna) slightly worried the dog is going to run away as he nears the road behind us. This is my 12th year as a mother....the best years of my life!!

To my mom, thank you for giving me life.
To my husband, thank you for choosing me as your partner and giving me four beautiful babies.
To my babies, thank you for unconditional love!
To me, a promise to forgive myself for my shortcomings and move on through this next year with good intentions to continue making them all feel loved.


Unknown said...

Girl, you don't need any makeup! You're just as beautiful in front of that camera as your work behind it. Happy mom's day from one mom to another! I sure do love seeing your family growing up. Children are such precious gifts from above! I am so thankful that I found your site through the Restuvus board.

Debb said...

Ditto what FLSonshine said!!! Just coming to say the very same things.

Kelly said...

THANK YOU BOTH SOOOO MUCH!!!!! You made me smile!! :)
