Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Families & Groups

I'm lucking out lately - mastering the art of walking between the raindrops (or rain showers I should say)!! If there isn't a dark cloud looming, its either just passed us or we are just ahead of it. I haven't had to reschedule any sessions lately!

These two little guys gave me a run! They were so funny - avoiding me like the plague!! I still try to surprise them with my ooh's and ahh's and even tried "I saw Barney!" but they were onto me! Big brother was a huge help at wrangling the rascals and I got some cute shots of the three of them together.

Jodie, thanks for calling me!! I hope you like these!!

Big brother's got a cute girlfriend - I promised him one here for his facebook page!

You see this cute couple......I made them laugh telling them to remember their wedding night.....but wanna see what they started.......


24 people in this FUN family!! I had so much awesome cooperation it made my job incredibly easy. I was in and out quickly so they could get back to their family time. Thanks for calling on me've got a wonderful family and I hope I captured that for you!

I'm closing this post with a heavy best friend's dad lost his battle with cancer today and I'm exhasted already from the tears I shed for Diane's aching heart. Diane has been my best friend and sister since we were five. We always did everything together so it was no surprise when we both wanted to attend the same voc school after graduation. It took us several states away and my parents and Mr. C drove us there in a van packed with necessities. While there Diane sowed her oats and met lots of boys while I pined away missing home like crazy. Mr. C was MY penpal while we were there and I was Diane's answering sevice passing messages between the two as she was always off making memories (I envied her that). I never forget how much his letters meant to me...telling me stories that would make me laugh so the days until we returned home again were easier for me to get through. It touched me that he wasn't to busy to send me those notes....I'll never forget it! I wasn't miserable there......just homesick.

Mr. C was a man of God and very proud of his children. I'm glad he's no longer suffering...I only hope my shoulders are strong enough to help my friend through this loss.

My friend Peg is famous for knowing quotes and quick phrases, she posted this in a note to me this morning. I loved it so I'm posting here: "What the caterpillar calls the end of the world....the Lord calls the butterfly". Rest In Peace Mr. C. You will be greatly missed.


1 comment:

Dawna said...

Mr C's last breath on earth was his first in heaven...there was no lapse of breath in between.
Thanks for sharing Mr C with us Kelly, he sounds like a wonderful man, Father, and mentor and friend.

