Thursday, April 30, 2009

Day 1

Last night around 9:00 PM I got a call from Kenna's teacher......the school is closing down for seven business days due to a probable case of swine flu. I'd heard the buzz but the confirmation call sealed the deal. Makenna's disappointed - she loves school - but the boys are okay with an extended vacation! At least its not like a power outage when you can't cook or watch TV - this is like summer came early.

I'll keep readers up todate as the week progresses. I'm not allowing the kids to play with friends until after the weekend - then they will be past the 72 hour deadline of when probable contraction of the virus might have occurred.

Its hard for me to focus on editing when they are all bouncing around me.....eating me out of house and home like a bunch of carpenter growing babies....but.....I did have a chance to work on Master Evan's this a beautiful baby or what? I love this pose, the square crop...everything....its so hard for me not to print all of these for my studio! I hope his momma likes this one (and the rest) too!

That's it for today - one photo - I will work on other sessions in the days to come as I will need some sanity from all the buzz around here.

Be safe!


1 comment:

Robin said...

Kel, I get completely absorbed in your blog. Your so real to me. I loved the pics of Katie. I can;t help but tear up when I see them. I still worry about her health. It was great chatting with you. Hope to see you soon.

