Monday, April 13, 2009

Did you have a nice Easter?

Our Easter Sunday was casual...we relaxed with our families and enjoy a restful pace. I purposely chose my children's gifts wisely this year, trying hard to cut back on the candy - knowing my mom would fill in the blanks....she spoils her grandchildren well! I do allow the kids to indulge themselves more on this day - I want the memories to be grand for them. Its the days that follow that are so hard, they are constantly asking for "just one more".

We gave the girls early naps so they could enjoy the afternoon uninterrupted......but still, there were times I had to disappoint my when she asked for a Fun Dip (a bag of sugar you dip with a stick made purely of sugar of my favorites as a kid).

Her reaction....... (a close-up as she tried to crawl up onto my lap)
I handed my brother my camera.....he followed her plea for more candy......but I did not give in to this attempt to change my mind.
Loved this shot of Kenna......her early nap served her well.
When we got home from meems at exactly bedtime, Marleigh had to put on her new cheerleading outfit one last time. The Easter Bunny brought her this knowing how much she likes to dress up. She has mentioned a few times in the last few weeks that she was going to be a cheerleader someday - I'm sure she will - and she'll be great!

Friday I had a father/daughter shoot for my book before Erin returned home (out of state)........LOVE IT!!!!!!!! Thanks Rick for bringing your beauties in on short notice.....Im thrilled to have this as part of my book!

My friend Deb is selling her camera and I thought I'd make mention of it here on my blog too....just incase someone is interested....its a pro camera!

Here is her drescription:
Brand new Canon 1d Mark III for sale.
I bought it as a last minute tax write off on Dec 31st. I've used it less then 10 hours and it' still sparkly new!

I paid $3,600 for it and will let it go for $3K (this is an amazing deal on a great pro camera!)

It's a great camera but just can't get used to the function keys.

If you're interested contact her through her website or contact me and I'll put you in touch!

1 comment:

Tina Stearns said...

Thank you for not blogging my non stop talking! LOL
