Friday, November 14, 2008

Oh, Mrs. Potter......

This one's for you!!!

I hope you remember the obsession last year that Makenna had with the toothless children in your classroom! She wanted so badly to lose a tooth and there were days I thought she'd make one fall out prematurely and we'd have to wait a whole year to fill the gap. Well, yesterday I got a frantic call from the school seems my drama queen was upset and in extreme pain over her "wiggly" tooth. The nurse seemed unnerved that she'd be so bothered by this and when I called back about five minutes after initially telling her I was on my way....she blasted to the school secretary who announced my presence on the phone...."she's supposed to be on her way"! I happened to be on the phone with Jean when the phone call of tears came in and he said he'd go get her but I'd already told the nurse I'd be right there. Makenna was crying, sobbing and nearly hysterical that she was bleeding from her mouth and I'm sure her tongue and gums were sore from all that wiggling.

When she arrived home....a happy face....she was away from the stares of the other (sometimes not so kind) children in her classroom and free to have cool drinks and soft snacks on the couch...cause that's where you go when you are sick. We did have more tears throughout the day...and she was actually reluctant to lose it after all that wishing last year!! She didn't think it was funny when I sang her the "All I want for Christmas" song and told me that she didn't want to grow up.. She said she was going to keep all her teeth for the rest of her life and the tooth fairy wasn't welcome here!

At 5:00 AM, she woke me to tell me that her tooth had fallen out in the night. I got the detailed story whether I was awake or not....I was awake enough to object to the light going on so I could see the tooth explaining to her that I would wait to see it when my eyes weren't so sleepy. We lounged until just before 6:00 when her excitement was too much and we all got up to check it out. She loves her toothless smile!

I've just signed on with a new vendor for a line of photo jewelry. While going through my photos trying to decide on pieces I would like for my samples...I came across this one and it makes my heart melt. I can't believe I didn't see it before! Of course, I wish Marleigh was in it....but its perfect the way it is. Just wanted to share here.

A crazy lady stalked me in Walmart yesterday! Miss Marleigh and I took a quick trip up to deliver prints in the area and I wanted to get some cough medicine as the cold season is upon us in the Roy home. I was venturing back through the store when a woman stopped me to comment on how cute Marleigh was. I thanked her and tried to continue on my way. She commented how the baby looked like me....and had my eyes....I thanked her again but she continued to ask me more questions....and more questions.....and whatever she could think of to keep me chatting. I might have been worried but she wasn't obnoxious and didn't mean harm. I could smell the wine on her breath and her questions weren't too personal. She offered to buy Marleigh candy (taking out her wallet and actually handing my 3 y/o a crisp $1 bill) and while she had it opened, she asked me if I had enough money because she likes to "help people". Got me thinking....what did I look like? Did I forget my lipstick (sometimes I look sick without it...well, I think)......was my my eye makeup smeared under my eyes (maybe it looks like Jean beats me)....was I dressed like a hobo (maybe that oversized sweater is not a good look for my already too plump behind) matter what it was....she thought I needed financial assistance!! Nah....she's just a woman high on Pinot Grigio and feeling generous....after all, we had stopped her based on our beauty......she just wanted to be my friend!

I finally broke free from my new friend and continued to the cold medicine isle. My thoughts were on that lonely woman thinking I hope I take long enough back here that she has plenty of time to check out! I'm not sure Marleigh could handle hanging around any longer while the woman went on and on about how beautiful she was! I stopped in the hair accessory isle to grab more headbands for the girls...they disappear around here...and while looking at the selection I hear it....OOOHHHH there you are! YUP, she found me!!! Admittedly, I was hiding out..... She walked over to me holding a small paper bag and a piece of white paper. I thought maybe she needed some help reading the paper. She handed the bag to me and whispered....its for her, just a small gift, please look inside the bag later to see that its appropriate before you give it to her and let her know its from her secret Santa. It was one of those grab bags you buy for $1 at the checkout and a receipt so we could show the cashier it was already paid for!

She walked out with us to the front of the store. She went one way and we went the other. She asked for my number but I didn't have any business cards available to give her ;-) so she jotted her phone number down on the bag and asked me to give her a call sometime. I was glad to get on with my errands....but, I sorta felt sad for her....

Enjoy Friday!

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