Friday, November 7, 2008

When people talk...I listen.

Whether its my relatives (my mom) or people in the grocery store isle...they share their advice about rearing children...."enjoy it, it goes so quickly"...I listen to them! I try to stay focused on my job as a mom soaking in the little things I learn every day in this life with my kids. The silly things Marleigh says that I just want to run for paper and pen to write down but I know it wont sound the same coming from me.....its the sound of her voice, the tone that she uses and the quirky way she pronounces things that make my heart melt. The reproductions just aren't the same.

I was picking up my house yesterday while the baby napped (will I always call her that?) and as I returned the boys sweatshirts to their room, Makenna's sneakers to her room and Marleigh's everything back to where it belongs, I soaked it in....knowing that the day would come when I wouldn't be picking up those sweet little black shoes..........or Curious George (who every time I see him, I think of how we were shopping with Diane and Marleigh convinced her she needed a Curious George of her own).........or the crowns that find their way to the top of her locks each day. I'll miss it all....I know I will....people tell me so.
Instead of cleaning....I grabbed my camera and photographed them for memory's sake.


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