Friday, January 30, 2009

Another Pup and My Duck.....

It's puppy season...Michelle...I'm working on you!! Another friend of mine got a pup too! When I heard he was getting a Rottweiler, I told him I'd be happy to take photos of her if he wanted me to. He called me the minute they got home with her and within 30 minutes I was shooting her first portraits! I'm making good use of the flower pot we have at the studio - its the only thing that wrangles these busy little creatures and keeps them in one spot so the camera can focus on them! Shooting black dogs is HARD....they don't like to stay where the lighting is best...wiggly buggers!She'd just left her momma and siblings and was so cute howling for them...
After all that work, we tuckered her out and she needed a rest. Chris & Stacey, I hope you like them! Congrats on your new baby....I wish you peaceful nights of sleep these next few days...but I don't think its gonna happen! :)

I don't consider myself a "duck" person...but this one singled ME out! I love her sleek grey colored body and tiny stature. When I walked through the door at Lowe's...I felt the gravitational pull like a personal invitation....."c*l*e*a*r*a*n*c*e"....the rack called to me! I meandered over slowly, keeping my calm and reading the sign...75% off... I immediately felt my blood start pumping! There's nothing like a good 75% off clearance sale to pull a girl right out of cabin fever!!

I chatted with a clerk about the topiaries on the top shelf and she offered to grab a ladder to climb after it. My high was taking over and I got that please get it quickly before someone else sees it and I am forced to take her down over the $9 embarrassing would that be. I don't like confrontation but 75% off in the middle of winter...I might not be having my "best"day. The clerk and I discussed the sale and the shelf was full of finds. I loaded my cart (love how big they are at Lowes!) and I placed the well-handled box containing the sweet duck in the front seat! Don't you agree....she's lovely!!

Still on my high, I stopped at the post office to ship a few things and dragged that broken box right in with me to share her with the postmaster (She's a really nice lady named Maria who has a cute Canadian accent and tolerates all my visits to the P.O. because I'm too lazy to figure out how to ship my photo orders right from home...I always tell her she's the reason I ship that way...I like to see her smiling face). Maria agreed that for $2.25 I'd gotten a fabulous deal!!

Today Marleigh goes to visit with Memere and Pepere while I attend a few appointments. She loves to be with them and they enjoy her company too. I know she exhausts them.....just her constant chatter is enough to exhaust me and I'm used to it! (she's nothing like her mother)

Oh, a note for clients who read this blog and see their photos posted here....if you have facebook or myspace, PLEASE feel free to use the photos I post here on those web pages if you'd like! I discourage printing them but you have free reign on web use!

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