Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Happy Inauguration Day!

I have random photos to share today. Just snaps around the house...sometimes I think those are more fun to look at! It wouldn't be me to post without telling the stories behind them all!

My boys are blessed to have some really great friends. Two of them (brothers of same ages) asked if they'd like to go to a Portland Pirates hockey game (our local AHL minor team) but it's the big time if you are 9 and 12 years old. They were told to bring their skates along because they were going to skate with the players after the game! The boy's ate up the opportunity to attend. When they arrived home and jumped off the cloud they were on, they showed me how they'd had their gloves signed by the team. This coming Saturday, my girl, in her first year of hockey, will skate during their intermission game......the anxiety is already brewing for that night!
This morning I was able to capture the "kids" watching for the bus. I had to move fast so the photo is not technically perfect....but in my opinion, its one of those that doesn't have to be to be great!!!! How lucky am I that I have captured all these moments of watching my children grow.
ISO: 4000, ss: 1/125, ap: f/4.5
My hard workin' man was clearing the rink after the storm. The boys usually follow along behind him getting the ice as smooth as possible.....but they were off having all sorts of fun while Jean maintained the rink.
ISO: 5000, ss: 1/125; ap: f/4

Here's my girl.....walking the dog........so cute! ISO 200, ss: 1/400, ap: f/8

Yesterday I caught Marleigh in this dress I picked up from Laurie (you know, my good pal who has wonderful clothes saved up for a mom like me who prefers to shop hand-me-downs). When we arrived at Laurie's, Marleigh spotted this dress and BUGGED me to death to wear it. I let her wear it that day and then hid it in the closet....until yesterday when she found it again. She had pink cowboy boots on with it but removed them when she saw me going for the camera. This look......its the one I get when I ask "who did it" I'm tickled to have captured it. Please note the wings peeking around her....truly an angel in my eyes!
I should have used a flash to fill her face but there was no time for it.
I pushed my settings to: 2500 ISO +1.7 exp. comp, ss: 1/125, f/4
After hitting the publish post, I remembered a conversation with Marleigh this morning after bathing her. She was questioning the can of shave cream on the shelf in the shower....noting actually that it was the stuff daddy puts on his face. I agreed and she asked if I shave my face....of course I replied quickly with no explaining I shaved my legs. She stated she wanted to change to a man so that she could shave her face. I explained that men did not wear princess dresses, tiara's, nail polish or makeup. She assured me she would only be a man for a short time and then she'd change back to a "lady", like me & Kenna!

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