Tuesday, January 13, 2009

What's up?

Custom framing is coming to Kelly Roy Photography!!!! I am happy to announce my partnership with a local company Red House Picture Framing. I will be offering custom framing as an option to finish the portraits that my client's purchase from me. I'm delighted to have this service available and Erin has been fantastic about arranging a system for me to make this all come together so easily.

I am so blessed with many repeat clients who like to update their photos as much as I do - especially with growing and changing children, its amazing a difference a year makes. So, if you are like me, you don't want to "replace" the older photos with the updated ones...its more fun to add to them. I have decided that this year it is my goal to provide my clients with more than just printed portraits for displaying their loved ones. There will be more jewelry and purse samples along with other interesting ideas I've seen in the last few months. If you've seen something that peaks your interest as far as "different" when it comes to displaying portraits, please send me a link...I want it all! :)

Last night I took the pooch to puppy class. He's crazy for Mrs. Potter's labradoodle and since neither has been "altered", we have to really watch those two and their knoodling! Last night I took Cameron to class with me....he just sat there so innocently giggling and watching the goin's on....I'm sure he wonders: why does Jack always want a piggy back ride from Zuzu?? When he's not swooning over her, I'm impressed with how well the pooch does with the class...so cute how he shakes like a leaf in my arms when we get there but when I put him down for play time, he prances around like he's the biggest dog in the class (he's the smallest). His prancing is hysterical....his goofy ears sorta propped upwards but still flopping about, his tail up straight, walking around on his tippy toes looking so silly. Just thinking of it makes me giggle.

I'm still looking for father's and daughters and have a few slots to fill with the different ages I am looking for...please contact me if you have someone in mind!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If I lived in Maine, I'd so sign up my husband and girls for your father-daughter pics! Stay warm out there - the frigid cold here is headed your way too!
