Wednesday, January 14, 2009

It's that time of year again!! Time to start thinking if you'd like me to design Valentines for your kiddos or family! If there is enough interest, I'll block off a chunk of time in a day and have studio sittings for a special price SO be sure to send me a note if ya want me!

I've had more time on my hands lately for blog stalking...something I don't get to do during the really busy months. I've got great ambitions for giving this home of mine an overhaul...even though Jean is not completely on board with my ideas. I'll sneak them in if I have to...because seriously..whose the one with decorating sense? I found some great sites if you'd like some inspiration during these hum-drum days of winter The Lettered Cottage is amazing...she will even help you with your design ideas for a VERY small fee! I think I'm going to consult her! If anyone here decides to do it after finding her link here, you are obligated by blog friendship to share your design changes with good ole Kel! She has several links along the right column of her blog suggesting even more blogs to about a time killer!! I did find one where the woman redid her kitchen cabinets in a red paint....I'm totally thinking of doing it too! OF COURSE...I'll keep you posted if I do!

One thing I did notice on these sites is how much higher they hang their curtains than I typically do. So yesterday I moved my living room curtains up higher the look!!!!! It does make the room feel bigger!
It's a great feeling when you can pay attention to your home and its contents. It's fun to shuffle the items around and come up with some new ideas....I hope you get a chance to have a look at Layla's site....if you like that Pottery Barn-meets-cottage-style look like I do!

Stay warm my Maine friends!!

1 comment:

Lettered Cottage said...

Why thank you ma'am! :-)

I truly appreciate the kind words.

