Monday, January 26, 2009


The Portland Pirates is the name of the AHL team that played Saturday night and hosted Makenna's team. As you can already guess, the mascot is a pirate named Salty Pete and a parrot named Cracker. Marleigh goes NUTS for the characters (thank you Disney for all the hype that makes taking a 3 y/o to functions like this such a BLAST!) She was hysterically funny and just the playmate my brother needed! Here they are practicing their pirate talk. Kaylee was participating but got camera shy when Tina stood up to take this for me. Marleigh went one speed that night - 100 MPH - showing off all her well rehearsed Hannah Montana moves for the crowd and screaming "OOOHH I LOVE THIS SONG" with every quick clip they played during the event.
Makenna was adorable! What is it about seeing my little girl with that big helmet and a pony tail streaming down her back that makes me tear up when I see her out there on the ice? She's going for it - doing what she wants to do and lovin' every minute of it! She's as girly as they come...delighted that Aunt Tina might make her pink leg-warmers to wear for practice....and all the pink accessories she can possibly get her hands on so that everyone will know about the girl power behind the number on her jersey.
I never moved from my seat to take these photos so the quality is not my usual as the camera and its lens were maxed to get them at all. This one true Makenna style, she noticed the boys standing at the wall with the video camera and left the game to offer the boys a close-up shot (we all laughed at how vain she was).
after that, she made her way back into the game....and loves this photo because its got Salty Pete in the same frame :)
She played like a star under the pressure of an upset tummy. When her game was over, she retreated to her seat in her daddy's arms and collapsed in a heap. As we were leaving the game, Jean picked her up to carry her out and she vomited down his back.......I scurried her into the restroom, stripped her of her top, used the only thing I could find to clean her up (scraps of t.p. because they only had hand dryers, no paper towels) and gave her my coat. We walked back through the parking garage to find Jean, Marleigh and the boys (who were anxiously waiting for all the grotesque details of the vomit). We got Kenna loaded in the car, I looked back at her draped in my GIANT jacket....she smiled and said faintly "I played my game like I wasn't sick at all...but I feel so much better now!"

She's back at school today...with her healthy appetite back, she scoured for all the good snacks in the closet before leaving.

I'm off to rescue Jack from the hands of Marleigh (who thinks she's got the best thing going in a playmate who lets her do whatever her heart desires!)

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