Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Happy Birthday Cameron!

My Cameron - he will be the one who will always watch out for me! He loves his mom and makes it very clear. I remember his birth clearly....my mom and Jean spent the night before with me in the hospital. They admitted me early and got me all set up only to have to postpone induction to the next morning. Labor was not as long with Cam but I knew he was going to be a beast to push out. I struggled the last few months of my pregnancy with so much discomfort that I wasn't sure I'd ever go through pregnancy again. He was born with a broken collar bone, has struggled with asthma and spent a few days in the hospital with pneumonia when he was only three.

Cam is sensitive......emotionally yes, but when it comes to the feelings of others he's got a special kind of sensitivity. His teacher tells me that Cam is well liked by his peers and his coaches ask us if he ever talks because he's so quiet during practice and games. One of his hockey coaches called him "Cam the Quiet Man Roy" and wasn't convinced when I told him that Cam does talk a lot and is often the "funny man" at home.

One time when we were talking about death - his thoughts run so deeply that he worries, at his young age, about death....his and mine. I shared with him that before he was born, I lost a baby in the third month of pregnancy and that's who I was going to be able to take care of in Heaven so if I go, he doesn't have to worry about me, I'll be in good company. Just a week or so ago, we were riding together and he said something to me I'll never forget.......Mom, you know that baby that died in your tummy before I was born...if that baby didn't die, I wouldn't be here now. He made me smile through tears and asked why I was crying.....I told him they were tears of joy that I did have him right there with me and how God wanted us to meet. I used it as a lesson that everything happens for a reason and sometimes we don't know why at that moment but the answer comes later. I think it gives him peace to know that I will still be me (a mom) in Heaven. He's a thoughtful boy with a huge heart.

Our Traditions: Since my kids were little, I've always made their birthday's last the entire day. I hide small gifts throughout the day in places I know they will have to go at some point and will be surprised by a gift. I bought this banner from pottery barn a few years ago and it has become a staple for birthdays! Even when the girls are playing with their dolls and have a make-pretend birthday, they take the banner out and hang it up....And....when its my birthday, one of them always thinks to put it up for me too!

I love balloons so the night before I go to bed, I put them in their rooms for when they wake up. I think its a fun way to start the day - they do too!

I'm off to make sure he has a great day! We'll go out for lunch and have friends over for cake later. I'm feeling blessed today to have this boy in my life.

Happy Birthday my sweet Cam!! I love you, Mom.

1 comment:

-Jennifer Harvey said...

Give him an extra squeeze from me will ya! Happy birthday Cam....
I still want to arange that marrage with you Kelly, Your Cam and my Julia.... perfect match.
