Wednesday, July 30, 2008

My Mayberry.

In the evenings, we like to take walks and bike rides through our little neighborhood. Last night I brought my camera along to document our walk for memory sake. Jean decided to see if he could skateboard without major injury - when he was finished with his attempts, he looked at me and said "See babe, I still got it". I was just glad for no broken bones.

Branden has discovered a new fashion - tight white tank tops!

I'm so happy for Marleigh and her new found freedom of her own bike.
No more riding on the back of dad's!

Are you blogging? I've talked to lots of other moms about blogging and my reasons for doing it. I love to scrapbook but with so many irons in the fire and kids running around, I just don't have the time for it. Maybe more in the winter months (I think I say that every year) I'll find the time to organize all my stuff and actually work on a few of the many albums I have started. But for now I blog and just the bit of time it takes me in the morning to put this together, its so worth it. I gather my thoughts, I relax a bit before starting the day and because I blog daily, I pay much closer attention to things that occur in my everyday life so that I can document it here. I print it at the end of every month. I know Im going to get a kick out of reading it in the coming years - but I think my kids will really enjoy it too! My good friend Jamie is a blogger and I think she was the one who told me will print this into a book!! It is my prediction that my blog printed in a book will be bigger than any phone book I've ever seen! I'll probably have to make it into volumes!
So, if you blog.....I'd like to know!! You can email your blog to me or comment here and link it for lots of others to read! I like to read that people are just as normal as me.
Happy Hump Day!


Anonymous said...

Thanks for enumerating the simple, happy reasons for blogging. Sometimes I overthink the whole thing!

And I love your blog! It feels like I'm chatting with you every day. :)

Kelly said...

Oh thank you, new found friend...seems like we are actually OLD friends since I've been reading your blog a lot longer than you've mine!

You're making me want to take my tribe to Powell!!

I admit I overthink sometimes too...its funny, sometimes I sit to write and get a complete blank. I walk away and one of the kids does something silly that triggers a thought process for me and I sit back down and let it all flow out!

I adore your sweet family and love reading your inspirational blog too...gotta thank the WWW for friends like you!
