I've always felt strongly about teaching my kids to use eye contact when they are talking to someone. I probably drive onlookers crazy when I'm talking to Marleigh and I continuously say "look at me" but I think it's important. I also make them answer me with "yes, mom" when I've asked them to do something, just so I know they are listening. I started getting the "I didn't hear you" excuse and decided a mandatory response from them might lessen those events.
Yesterday Makenna's hockey team had a holiday party. They had a special guest to surprise the kids. I was so glad I toted my new camera through the snow storm to get front row photos of all the kids. I wasn't planning to be the photographer but so many were there without cameras I decided to just continue snapping. I shared them all on walmart.com for the parents to make their own copies. I was so happy watching my girls talk to Santa about the gift's they'd like to receive. Makenna really wants a doll that pee's and poops (she left that part out when talking to Santa and just told him "a doll"....it was so cute to watch her watch her manners).
Marleigh asked for makeup and everyone chuckled. The girls just walked in as I am posting these photos and are telling me they really wish they had asked for a small dog.
(Kendra, I hope its okay to post this photo.....its a perfect holiday reminder). Kendra has six BEAUTIFUL kids ..... I envy her so! She and I got the opportunity to visit for a few minutes in the warm room at the arena. While we were chatting I looked over and saw this....her daughter kneeling on the floor so her young son (too short to see the game on his own) could climb up for a closer view. Kendra told me that she does that for him all the time. Sweet or what?
This photo was taken last night....the boys and Jean were clearing the ice rink. When we get more than a foot of snow, it requires constant clearing - so anyone with kids who skate, please call me so I can arrange for some human Zamboni's! I will reward them with ice time and hot chocolate!!!
More storm photos tomorrow as Im venturing out today to deliver Christmas prints!
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