I miss him.....
Jean has been away on a hunting trip and I miss him terribly and so do the kids. I know he's missing us too because even though he's due home shortly, he called this morning. The saying about absence makes the heart grow fonder is so true! Funny how it can make you remember the sweet memories and good times.....I think some time apart is a good thing for a relationship...even though my heart does not agree.
We started out as friends.....for three years I listened to stories of other women coming into his life and treating him terribly...all while my crush on him grew stronger. We were close but I knew my feelings for him were more than what he felt for me. I don't really know when things changed for us....it was gradual....I could tell that finally the attraction was mutual. June 9 marks the day...he stood behind me with his arms wrapped around me and whispered in my ear that his feelings for me were growing and he wanted to be more than friends...as I type this, my stomach flips and my eyes water bringing me right back to that moment. I already knew I was in love and even though we were taking a chance on ruining the great friendship we had, it was worth it to me. Look at us now.....14 years and four kids later!
I think we look old, but cozy, here.
He's always made me feel beautiful and deeply loved. We have a respectful relationship and though we may disagree sometimes we never throw harsh words or insults. I'm missing him....its obvious!
Each day is bringing us closer to our Disney trip....I can't believe how fast time flies...its 30 days away now! I'm trying so hard to be prepared and I worry I will forget something. If any experienced DW travelers have any advice to this mom of four on our first venture as a family, please email me with your suggestions! I'd love to hear them all! jkroy(AT)roadrunner.com.
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