Saturday, May 17, 2008

Photo a day.

Is there anyone else out there trying to take more photos like my personal photo a day challenge? I'd really love it if people want to share their photos with me - I love to look at them and "talk shop" so feel free to send them along. Its definately a challenge trying to take at least one a day but I'm trying to stick with it. Here are a few I've taken over the last few days.
First is my handsome son again. Im going to watch him play lacross for the first time since he stared the season - I think its probably a good thing I haven't watched before now because I'm hearing its a pretty aggressive sport. I'll try to get some photos if the rain holds off!

I was in the field taking photos of Branden and we saw this bee sitting on a weed. I have a new lens with a macro feature so I wanted to give it a was a TINY bee :)

I know they are weeds....but my daughters LOVE to pick them :) Makenna saw this field of dandilions and exlaimed how beautiful it was. I agree, it looked lovely a sea of green sprinkled with yellow....I attempted to take a quick photo of the entire field of them with the new lens but I didn't realize how much more light I was getting with it and I ruined the photo....this one came out awesome because I shaded them.

My mom turned 60 yesterday. She had a good day overall. We went for dinner and had cake and ice cream with her. We bought her a new grill...probably not the best birthday gift considering its not something SHE uses all the time but it was a necessary item to entertain us kids and since we were the ones who wore the last one out, it was only right we replace it. My brother Bryan/Boo (a nickname since he was a baby) went to pick the grill up and when he returned home, mom saw it, knew it was for her and said she wanted to check it out. He told her to wait until we all got there so he could have Jean or Bud help him unload it from the truck. She told him she couldnt wait to check it all out and she could help him unload it. Well, as she was unloading it, the side tray caught her on the bridge of her nose and cut her pretty bad right between her eyes :( I felt so bad as it looked super painful. She was such a trooper greeting all her guests and explaining that story over and over. Luckily she didn't get a migraine from it as she is prone to them. We brought her some neosporin with pain relief to help it go away faster. I was telling the kids the story on the way to see her and they were all concerned....Makenna decided we should change the name from a birthday party to a boo-boo party and I chimed in with the idea that we should have all worn band-aids to make it a theme party!

Well, I have a busy day with sports and a session with a super cute 9 month old! Tonight we have a dance so a date night for Jean and I!

Hope you have a productive Saturday!!!


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