Saturday, March 29, 2008

Computer Problems!

My pc has been down - that's why no blog updates this morning! Plus, the boys are in a hockey tournament this weekend and Im trying to get to every game if possible! I was looking through some pics and had to post these here for a good giggle. I love them - they were taken nearly a year ago and then they weren't as special to me as they are now as I go back and look at them again. Maybe I have my mommy goggles on....but, I love them.....Im so glad I allowed her to make silly faces and Im so glad I snapped my camera for each one!
If I would allow it, she would take pics like this all day long! Just total silliness that makes me smile. Maybe I should offer silly sessions for Mother's Day.....hhmmm.
Here's the wink!
And a true treasure for her teenage years..... :) I remember telling her I was taking a pic of her picking her nose and she said "I dont care, I have to get this out"! Well, its proof for someday when the subject comes up.

Just wanted to say thank you to everyone who reads my blog daily!!!!!! It means a lot to me when you take the time to tell me you're a inspires me to continue to do it and I think of you when I write. I hope to continue to write interesting enough to keep you reading!! Thanks again!!!!!
Have a great weekend!!!!
:) Kel

1 comment:

Jamie VanBeekum said...

This is too hilarious! Love that you'll have a blackmail photo later on, LOL.
