Thursday, April 24, 2008

Im considering a lawnmower bicycle....

do they make them for a family of six? My gosh, are gas prices getting crazy? I wonder how bad they will get. The newscaster said its like a vicious circle....oil and gas prices are high because the US dollar is not worth as much as it used to be because the interest rates are being lowered to help boost the economy because people cant afford gas, oil, etc. Crazy world we live in. I just wanna be rich and live above all this mess. But when I think of rich, for some reason I get a picture of Donald Trump in my head and I wouldn't wanna be like him for all the money in the I guess I'll take my struggles, live in my little house like the old woman in the shoe and continue to crab about the price of gas on my blog.

Today I have photos from the special again. I have two dads to share today. I forgot one family when posting yesterday so Im adding them today. The first dad is my uncle. He and his wife adopted Lili from China. She's only a few weeks younger than Makenna so when we get together at family things, Makenna is always trying to drag shy Lili around. Im going to have to go to their house sometime and take some photos of Lili's amazing room! She has the greatest playhouse in her back yard too - a replica of their larger home. My uncle can make her laugh and I was anxiously waiting for a shot like this one.

Here is another dad that came too....they were so easy to photograph, such a cute family!

Here is the family I forgot to add yesterday. The boy was in Cameron's class last year, Makenna was in dance with the little girl and shortly after the baby was born, I shamelessly approached the mom about letting me take her photos! She's a beautiful little girl and they all have amazing eyes - I got a few sessions in her first year and they were all successful. Im so glad I can sweep my shyness under the rug sometimes and approach people - we have a great friendship now.

Well, Im off to help the girls throw together a teddy bear birthday party with pretend presents. Its a beautiful morning and they are both outside already. Im going to have to take a photo - Marleigh is dressed in her pajamas (mismatched top/bottom because she has to dress herself now), with a sequined lavendar dress over them from the dress-up box and a pair of yucky brown shoes (no socks). She has just come in to put on a sweater and her hair is a mess because she went to bed with it wet. She's a sight! ......I had to stop the presses to go grab a photo to post here so here you go....fresh pics from this morning! She's still cute!!!

Just when you thought you were done hearing me whine about the snow.....I also decided to take a photo of the stubborn pile of it still there this morning in my backyard - after an 80 degree day yesterday, this is the only hint of it left!!!! There's no chance it will be there tomorrow! My whining is over! :)

Have a great day!!!!!!!


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