Friday, April 4, 2008

Spaghetti dinner update.

The spaghetti dinner Cameron's class put on for the trucker was great....the spaghetti was not! Should have gone with a more "heavy duty" pasta for an event like this but you live and learn I suppose. The kids said it was great but I made WAY more than we needed. I recommended a pot luck dinner next time.
It was nice to mingle with the other parents from the class. I dont volunteer in the classroom because Cameron cannot handle it when its time for me to leave so I stopped volunteering. So, because I don't volunteer, I don't know the students in the classroom and the other night I got a glimpse at them. When we got there, both of my boys disappeared into a crowd of boys.....a sea of ballcaps that the trucker had given to Cam's classroom.
Tony allowed the children and parents to ask him questions and I must say, the crowd was full of great questions. He talked about how the price of gas is affecting his job and he explained how many blind spots there are when driving a big truck like his. (good to know as a mom with a minivan full of children).One of the moms made this cute truck cake. The kids were crazy for it and all lined up for a piece.
So, no pictures yesterday - Im sorry! I am told they were missed :) I'll try to stay on top of that!

Marleigh is an emotional mess these last few days. Just fussin' over little things. I attribute that behavior to a growth spurt. Branden has asked to spend a weekend away from home with a friend....such a hard decision to make. Cameron has adjusted to his haircut and reported two friends who have gotten their hair cut too. Yah, Im not sure I believe him but its worth the $10 to see his mood improved. Makenna is ready for school - dressed in a skirt with bare legs/no tights. She always does that when its FREEZING outsize - and today is no exception - snow in the forecast.
I am off to to do my grandmother's hair this morning....I have a busy weekend planned and I'm not sure I'll have time to squeeze that appointment in so I'm going to do it today.
Only a few afternoon spots remain for the special so if you are contemplating coming, please do...and call me right away!!!!

Happy Friday!!!!!

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